Get the complete TCO comparison for in-house procurement analytics vs. Sievo
Data & Analytics
Written by Varvara Kharitonova and Marius Ciobanu, with contributions by Erkki Seikkanen. Big data, ..
Written by Varvara Kharitonova and Marius Ciobanu, with contributions by Erkki Seikkanen. Big data, ...
As the global focus on climate change intensifies, policymakers are implementing measures to combat ...
Procurement teams are now under pressure to re-evaluate their analytics strategy in light of Microso...
2025 has started with procurement facing a perfect storm of change. The world is moving faster than ...
Procurement Performance Management (PPM) is a set of processes and technologies to enhance the effic...
Recently, we hosted a webinar with The Hackett Group and Mondelez on whether to build or buy your pr...
In the fast-paced world of procurement, the allure of DIY analytics solutions like Excel, PowerBI, o...
If you're looking to improve spend visibility for your organization, there are several steps you can...
The urgency for companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has never been greater. Today, nearly h...
Procurement teams need actionable insights to make fast, informed decisions. Relying on general-purp...
Everything is political. Today’s interconnected world is shaped by underlying political forces, from...
Decarbonization has become a critical imperative for businesses worldwide. While internal emissions ...
In today’s competitive business landscape, leading companies take control of their Scope 3 emissions...
With 75% of CO2 emissions lying in the supply chain, reducing Scope 3 emissions is an urgent race ag...
In the rapidly evolving world of procurement, Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) face an array of cha...
In a hectic procurement landscape, data and analytics tools are crucial for making future-proof deci...
Traditionally, procurement has been dominated by structured data, such as purchase orders and invoic...
There is much hype around ChatGPT, and it’s well deserved. Analytics platforms—including Sievo—are e...
California is pushing towards a greener future with its latest legislative move. With the introducti...
Looking to reduce your organization's carbon footprint but struggling to find the best solution for ...
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the visibility and acceptance of the queer...
The time to act on reducing emissions is now. As businesses face increasing pressure to reduce their...
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be complex, involving a myriad of considerations and potentia...
Spend visibility is crucial for organizations to gain control over their expenses and track their sp...
Procure-to-pay (P2P) is a complex process that involves multiple stakeholders, including procurement...
The concept of organizational maturity has various frameworks and is widely recognized. Similar to o...
At its core, procurement is designed to obtain the right goods and services at the right price and o...
Organizations analyze procurement spend data to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve suppl...
Forecasting your spend is a vital part of meeting Procurement and Finance targets. Spend data is a v...
Handling large volumes of procurement data efficiently is time-consuming and labor-intensive, especi...
When inflation is eating up your profit, understanding your spend is as important as ever. Spend ana...
Knowing your suppliers and your suppliers’ suppliers gives insights into your business and end produ...
Direct spend in procurement refers to goods and services directly related to making products or serv...
Indirect procurement spend is the sourcing of goods and services not directly related to the manufac...
The last few years have put the maturity and competencies of procurement organizations to the test. ...
Strategic sourcing has a vital role to play in supply chain management and ensuring profitable busin...
In the procurement world, offshoring is the relocation of production, business process or operations...
Modern slavery can be defined as the recruitment, movement, harboring or receiving of human of all a...
Procurement is at the forefront of sustainability measurement. Tracking sustainable performance is t...
Supplier relationship management (SRM) is a business initiative that aims for mutually beneficial su...
Supplier negotiation combines interpersonal skills, tactics, market understanding, and data-driven i...
Reporting on sustainability initiatives is no longer optional. Even medium-sized companies are getti...
Suppliers play an essential role in your sustainability journey. Sustainability goals will only be a...
Sustainable procurement is the integrated process of lowering environmental impact and creating posi...
The German Supply Chain Act (The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains ...
Sustainable procurement is a process that integrates environmental, governance, and social factors o...
One of the key issues for Procurement is to elevate its role as a strategic advisor to the business....
A comprehensive procurement strategy defines how an organization strategically manages its procureme...
When it comes to procurement analytics, the question of whether to build it yourself or buy it from ...
Sustainability has become a pressing priority for all organizations. Recent research conducted by th...
Financial managers are constantly being asked to do more with less. It is important to track every p...
A category strategy defines the category's vision, mission, and deliverables to perform optimally. C...
Procurement performance measurement (PPM) is the systematic process of measuring the effectiveness, ...
Supplier diversity is a proactive procurement strategy that encourages organizations to include mino...
Centralized procurement means that purchasing is managed at the headquarters level. Decentralized pr...
In procurement, a commodity is a raw or semi-processed material used to produce a good. Commodities ...
The complexity of supply chains and market environments is increasing. Staying relevant within procu...
Maverick spend in procurement is a common challenge, referring to off-contract spend or outside of a...
In most organizations, once a supply contract has been negotiated and signed, it will be handed off ...
Procurement analytics uses quantitative and analytical methods to derive actionable insights from pr...
The Request for Proposal (RFP) is alive and well, despite the increasing criticism and murmuring in ...
A proof-of-Concept (or POC) is a great low-cost exercise when in need of further assurance in soluti...
One of the reasons behind an RFP can be to collect information from vendors in order to make the bes...
Previously, we published a blog post How to Write an RFP for Procurement Analytics Software. To resp...
Spend under management is the amount of spend managed by procurement out of total company spend. Imp...
There used to be a saying that the brightest person would be assigned to product development, the mo...
Category Management (CM) is a strategic approach to procurement where organizations group together s...
Sustainable procurement can be defined as the process of finding, sourcing, and acquiring goods and ...
KPIs (key performance indicators), also called metrics, are designed to measure the performance and ...
The main goal of procurement is to ensure products and services are bought at the right price. Cost ...
Procurement can be divided into direct and indirect material categories. Direct procurement, or dire...
Every procurement organization needs visibility of their spend. There are many ways to do this. For ...
Spend cube analysis is spend data presented as a multidimensional cube. The three dimensions of a pr...
Materials forecasting involves creating direct materials cost budgets and forecasts to help your bus...
Supplier segmentation is the process of allocating suppliers into distinct groups so that limited re...
Cost reduction is a clear priority for most procurement teams. The focus is often on the strategic c...
Spend analysis is the practice of analyzing procurement spend to decrease costs, increase efficiency...
The interest in supplier diversity programs is growing. In the United States, there are more than 15...
Spend categorization does not have to be painful. Granted, it can be time-consuming and demanding, b...
Transformation is one of the most overused words in business. When applied to discussions about proc...
Terms used in procurement can be pretty complex. There are many concepts to familiarize oneself with...
Are you looking for an analytics solution and struggling with evaluating and assessing potential ven...
Cost reduction usually refers to cost savings made during a purchasing process, but it is much more ...
Commercial contracts that run smoothly throughout their lifespan are a rarity. So much can go wrong:...
In any manufacturing company Purchase Price Variance (PPV) Forecasting is an essential tool for unde...
A purchase order (PO) is an official document, created by the buyer, which authorizes a purchase tra...
A Request of Quotation (RFQ) is a competitive bid document used when inviting suppliers or contracto...
In many organizations, the relationship between finance and procurement is somewhere between unfrien...
Managing commercial contracts is becoming an increasingly complex activity. The volume and variation...
Supplier relationship management (SRM) can be viewed as one of the few remaining opportunities for p...
Many CPOs would consider contract management being the basis for continuous supplier management when...
One of our most-read eBooks, Procurement Loves Finance, is about building and nurturing the relation...
I was having discussions a few weeks back with one of our clients regarding actual savings calculati...
During my three and a half years at Sievo, I have seen many spend cubes being created. While industr...
An advanced spend analysis solution has become a prerequisite for running a professional sourcing or...
Spend analysis aims at creating a fact-based understanding of where a company spends its money: what...
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