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Guide to Best-Practice CO2 analytics RFP | Free Question Template

We want to share our tips and tricks to help you craft an RFP that will enable you to find the best solution to reach your carbon reduction goals. Be sure to take the Free RFP Template!

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Updated: Jul 2, 2024

Looking to reduce your organization's carbon footprint but struggling to find the best solution for your needs from the variety of carbon reduction solutions in the market?

As you delve into your supply chain's carbon analytics, the options can be overwhelming. It is crucial to identify a solution that can best provide you with the value that matches your business goals and challenges.

With a thorough Request for Proposal (RFP), you’ll be able to identify the best carbon analytics solution for your needs.

At Sievo, we have 20 years of experience receiving RFPs from leading global companies. Based on accumulated best practices, we want to share our tips and tricks to help you craft an RFP that will enable you to find the best solution to reach your carbon reduction goals

Want to jumpstart your RFP process for CO2 Analytics? Be sure to download the Free RFP question template!


1. Pinpoint Your CO2 Analytics Needs

Start by listing the features and services you need from a carbon analytics solution. Do you need real-time tracking, predictive analytics, or comprehensive reporting that includes Scope 3 emissions?

This clarity allows you to focus on the vendors who can meet your specific requirements, thus enhancing the efficiency of the selection process and targeted decarbonization efforts. 


2. Get Your Team On Board

A well-rounded RFP should integrate feedback from all pivotal stakeholders in your organization. Divisions such as Procurement, Finance, and Sustainability might have unique requirements for measuring, managing, and reporting carbon emissions. 

A Carbon Analytics Solution is a communication tool for different teams to get holistic visibility into their supply chain emissions, receive actionable insights on decarbonizing opportunities, or follow up on the progress of the emission reduction targets.

Additionally, the solution helps to benchmark your suppliers' sustainability performance and to monitor progress towards net zero.

By including the input of different stakeholders in the RFP, you guarantee a solution that covers all bases. This will ensure the evaluation process of solutions goes smoothly when all stakeholders' requirements are evaluated from the beginning.


3. Establish Clear Carbon Goals

Specify the goals your organization aims to achieve through CO2 Analytics. These could include identifying carbon hotspots in the supply chain, improving the data quality to produce more accurate calculation methods, or engaging with more sustainable suppliers. Clear objectives help vendors provide tailored responses to fit your needs.


4. Clarify Your Evaluation Process

Communicate to vendors how their responses will be evaluated and the criteria you'll apply. It's also essential to give them an idea of the following stages in the selection process. Transparency promotes efficiency and sets clear expectations for all parties involved.


5. Ask Specific Questions

Asking precise and clear questions encourages insightful responses from vendors. Instead of general queries like "Describe your solution," focus on more detailed questions such as, "How does your software handle data collection from multiple sources?" Such direct inquiries lead to actionable and comparative insights, which will make your job easier when comparing vendors to each other.

Drafting an RFP is about more than just asking the right questions. It's a strategic tool to ensure the vendor's capabilities align with your needs.

With your RFP, you've initiated your journey toward carbon reduction. While on this path, consider exploring further insights on carbon analytics.

For a deeper dive, you might find our Sustainable Procurement 101 and demos helpful, offering both foundational understanding and practical applications.


Ilona Kivimäki

Ilona has vast experience working with sustainability and product development in early-stage tech companies. She works with Sievo CO2 Analytics solution to help companies worldwide measure and reduce carbon emissions to achieve the Net Zero target.

    CO2 Analyitcs RFP Question Template

    Get Access to detailed RFP questions related to Reporting, Tech & Security, User Support, and Training for a CO2 Analytics Solution