

Sievo Release Initiative Management

Sievo's Initiative Management empowers procurement leaders to drive excellence and innovation. It provides increased visibility and control, enabling organizations to better align with strategic objectives, optimize resources, and deliver superior results. In addition to Initiative Management capturing savings, users can keep track of CO2 reduction and risk mitigation efforts, so procurement teams can achieve savings targets in addition to contributing to broader organizational goals. 

Savings Lifecycle


In-House Procurement Analytics vs. Sievo

In this essential guide, we delve into the intricacies of procurement analytics, providing a clear comparison between in-house solutions and specialized BoB software like Sievo. 


Deliver More with Less – the Current Procurement Paradigm

In this episode of Leaders in Tech and E-Commerce, Sammeli Sammalkorpi, CEO and Co-Founder of Sievo, discusses Sievo’s 21-year history, its focus on large enterprises, and its growth to 400 employees. Sammeli shared some of their success stories, including a 98% client growth and retention rate and a significant role in a DSM-Firmenich merger. He outlines Sievo's future plans, including leveraging data to create new insights and automating procurement actions.

Future of Procurement


NEW: Procurement Analytics Overview

Gain comprehensive visibility to your spend, categories and suppliers to unlock new savings, reduce spend and carbon emissions, ensure supply continuity and achieve bottom-line impact.



NEW: Spend Analytics by Sievo

Drive more savings by closing the data-to-action gap! Unlock data-driven procurement excellence Get all the necessary data, insights, and actions in one Spend Analytics solution and reach your savings targets while ensuring a sustainable, resilient, and diverse supply. 



Initiative Management by Sievo

Track your savings and reduction initiatives from idea to execution - and drive more realized savings and financial transparency. See the value of transparent and collaborative savings tracking! Read the one-page overview. 



NEW: Material Harmonization by Sievo

Save more with clean, harmonized material data. See how we can de-duplicate 6-23% of your materials without any manual work. Read the one page overview to find out.



SpendMatters SolutionMap Fall 2024

Sievo is the #1 Procurement Technology by SpendMatters — for the second time in a row! Out of 27 contenders, Sievo Spend Analytics ranks #1 in 6 categories and outperforms the market in 12 more!

Analyst Reports


SpendMatters SolutionMap Fall 2024

Sievo CO2 Analytics Validated as a Top Solution by SpendMatters: compared to 12 other vendors, we are the leader in 3/11 categories, exceed the market benchmark in 5/11 categories, and meet the market benchmark in the remaining 3 categories.


Analyst Reports


Actionable Carbon Reduction with Sievo's AI-Powered CO2 Analytics.

With 80% of CO2 emissions lying in the supply chain, Sievo helps you lead your company to Net Zero Emissions. Sievo CO2 Analytics helps you tackle the most challenging aspect of emissions reporting—Scope 3—with AI classification, personalized insights, & one-click actions. Learn more!



Sievo's GenAI & Insights

Learn how to leverage Sievo's GenAI & Insights to uncover and act on hidden savings opportunities, while mitigating supply chain risks. Accelerate decision-making and drive procurement actions with confidence. Find out more!




Closing the data-to-action gap with Sievo Insights

Charlie finds an addictive pastime that transforms procurement processes: automated Sievo Insights. Witness colleagues' skepticism transform into enthusiasm as Sievo Insights reveals its value in actionable insights and savings opportunities.

AI and Insights


Sievo Presents: The World's Cheapest CPO

This mockumentary follows a day in the life of Bill, the World's Cheapest CPO. No matter how much it pains his co-workers and suppliers, Bill will do whatever takes to catch that bargain! We all have a cheapo inside us. Watch the video and take the just-for-fun Cheapo quiz.


Procurement Analytics & Data Integrations

This whitepaper written by Sievo experts delves into common concerns regarding inte-grating analytics with your data architecture. It covers how Sievo approaches data integrations from source-to-screen in detail.

Spend Analysis


RFP Guide for Spend Analytics

This guide is based on our research into the most well-structured RFPs we've received, containing hundreds of different types of questions. We created this comprehensive guide for establishing a best-in-class RFP based on our practical learnings.

Contract Management


Ultimate Guide to Procurement Cost Savings

This guide explains the 5 major approaches to cost savings in procurement. In addition, you'll learn how best to identify, measure, and communicate those savings to your organization.

Savings Lifecycle


Putting people at the heart of digital transformation

Read how Mars puts people at the heart of its procurement transformation journey. Sievo has helped Mars to ensure a strong performance culture and a people-first strategy. This brochure focuses on how Sam de Grates has been leading the procurement transformation at Mars with key strategic partners like Sievo.

Procurement Transformation


Deutsche Telekom - A Combination Mindset, Systems and Partners

Karim Ouali, VP Procurement at Deutsche Telekom, explores the company’s journey to being more proactive, with a close eye on future supply chain disruptions. See how they partner with Sievo to achieve their goals. Originally published in Digital Innovation.

Future of Procurement


Procurement Loves Data (eBook)

This book provides a clear and pragmatic approach to data-friendly leadership and cross-process collaboration between IT and Procurement.

Future of Procurement


Data Friendly Leadership Increases Organizational Readiness in Procurement

Report based on Art of Procurement Podcast (#465) with Flavio Monteleone from Bain & Company and Heta Ruikka from Sievo.

Procurement Transformation


Deep-Dive into Procurement Data Ecosystems

In this enhanced eBook we ask top technology experts to share what procurement leaders need to know to bring about transformational change.

Procurement Transformation


Selling the procurement data value promise to your organization

Procurement has a clear value promise: Unlocking the power of procurement data to uncover insights that drive business growth. This guide provides tools to increase buy-in, address objections, and boost procurement's strategic contribution to the organization!

Procurement Transformation


Towards Sustainable Procurement: Leveraging Data and Analytics

Sievo X Accenture present this whitepaper on developing sustainable procurement. Learn how procurement can reduce Scope 3 CO2 emissions, achieve value through Closed-Loop Spend Management (CLSM), and drive the sustainability agenda.

Sustainable Procurement


How to reduce scope 3 emissions, simply explained!

Learn how to reduce scope 3 emissions and reach net zero targets: Simply explained!

Sustainable Procurement


Procurement data & analytics maturity assessment

Gain a deeper understanding of your organization's current level of data and analytical maturity in procurement by taking the assessment. Discover your most critical areas of improvement and high-value opportunities to unlock next, together with Sievo. Created in partnership with LUT University of Technology.

Procurement Transformation


The Ultimate Guide for AI in Procurement

This guide helps you navigate through the AI hype and buzzwords. Find the real business opportunity in AI today. Identify how AI and machine learning impact procurement and strategic sourcing.

AI and Insights


AI in Procurement (eBook)

An executive's view of the background, reality and possibilities of AI - without the hype.

AI and Insights


Procurement Loves Finance (eBook)

Learn to turn the communication challenge between Procurement and Finance to co-operation that provides value to everyone.

Spend Analysis


Spend Analysis 101

A comprehensive guide to procurement spend analytics that starts with the basics.

Spend Analysis


Spend Analytics Demystified

Sievo's source-to-screen experts reveal the hidden world of advanced spend analysis from data extraction to collaborative classification to spend analysis.

Spend Analysis


ImpactNow Podcast

In ImpactNow, we discuss with global sustainability leaders about how they tackle the biggest challenge of our lifetime. Hosted by Ilona Kivimäki and Heta Pirttijärvi.

Sustainable Procurement


Supplier Diversity in Procurement

This whitepaper explains how to meet your Supplier Diversity goals through actionable visibility into spend. Get insights into diverse supplier discovery, metrics, and how to po-sition your programme for long-term success.

Sustainable Procurement


How to utilize a data-driven mindset to supercharge your procurement organization

Heta Ruikka, VP of Product Management at Sievo, and Flavio Monteleone, an Expert Partner in Procurement at Bain & Company, discuss ways for procurement technology to be user-friendly (AOP Live Session).

Future of Procurement


Building Trust Through Data Transparency

Philip Ideson and Johan-Peter Teppala discuss 3 key themes related to data transpar-ency through spend analysis, realized savings, & predictive analytics (Art of Procure-ment).

Future of Procurement


Procure4Peace - How Can Procurement Professionals Help Ukrainians

Philip Ideson is joined by Sammeli Sammalkorpi to discuss how he has mobilized his team in support of Ukraine (Art of Procurement, episode #458).

Future of Procurement


Spend Analytics: Maintaining relevance and continuously improving in a crowded market

Sammeli Sammalkorpi and James Meads discuss how the procurement analytics niche has matured over the years and its future (The Procuretech Podcast, episode #19).

Spend Analysis


Facilitating Differentiated Decision Making w/ Sievo

In this four-part special series, host Philip Ideson speaks with members of the Sievo team. In each episode, we discover a unique way that differentiated decision making can help procurement 10X their impact: procurement as an information hub, ESG analytics, investments in talent, and crossing the data to action gap.

Procurement Transformation


Procurement Analytics Simply Explained

Procurement analytics explained in a fun and easy to understand way - the way we at Sievo like to do business.

Spend Analysis


Ardent Partners Solution Spotlight

Read a detailed review of Sievo's five solution areas from Ardent Partners - the leading independent analysts in supply management.

Analyst Reports

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