Sievo Culture

Employee Spotlight - Allison's story

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day? To me, celebrating Internat..

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Employee Spotlight - Allison's story

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day? To me, celebrating Internat...

Sievo Culture,

Employee Spotlight - Varvara's story

What does International Women's Day mean to you? As a child, I associated International Women's Day ...

Sievo Culture,

Employee Spotlight - Sarianne's story

What advice would you give to women entering your field? For women stepping into partnerships, remem...

Sievo Culture,

An Unforgettable Summer at Sievo

On a warm May day, our Summer Seals (yes, that's what we call our summer interns) stepped into our o...

Summer Academy,

No mandatory fun at Sievo: Event Committee explains how

We met two of the Sievo Event Committee members to learn more about this volunteer-based group at Si...

Sievo Culture,

A year in the life of the first Sievonians in Bucharest: Ionut & Abed

We opened up our third office in Bucharest back in 2022, and it's been quite the journey since then!...

Sievo Culture,

Everyday Sexism is Not Okay

Your “dirty” joke that makes everyone laugh is not okay. Sharing that "overly attached girlfriend" m...

Sievo Culture,

The Power of Role Models in Breaking the Barriers

Imagine a software developer. Close your eyes and envision them. What do you see? Years ago, a study...

Sievo Culture,

Who Is Going to Fix the Leadership Gender Gap?

Many companies are getting more and more transparent about the number of employees representing dive...

Sievo Culture,

Equal Pay for Equal Work

In honor of International Women's Day and Women's History Month, we are going to take a closer look ...

Sievo Culture,

Making happy users in three steps

Let’s face it, people hate change and there’s a good reason for that. Change means you must learn ne...

Thought Leadership,

Sievo Academy proudly presents: The Super user certificate in Spend analytics

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Super user certificate: a training program concentrating...

Thought Leadership,

Craftboards: fast and easy way to make accurate custom dashboards

One of the great things about having ~8000 Sievo users per month is their feedback about what works ...

Thought Leadership,

Role of company culture in our very first growth investment round

Today, Sievo announced raising $44 million in growth investment from Susquehanna Growth Equity (SGE)...

Sievo Culture,

Sievo through the eyes of two Summer Seals

About 3,5 months ago we opened the door to Sievo’s Helsinki office for the first time. We were full ...

Summer Academy,

PRIDE Month: How to Become an Ally?

It’s June! Which means PRIDE month. We’re so excited about it that the first idea that pops into our...

Sievo Culture,

User-centered design in 4 steps

At Sievo, we apply user-centered methods in all solution areas and invite all the users to participa...

Thought Leadership,

How we reduce procurement complexity with usability familiarity

I joined the Sievo UX team as Service Designer about two years ago. I used to work in marketing, and...

Thought Leadership,

Our 3rd Home - the Process of Finding Our Dream Destination Bucharest

On a Friday afternoon in September 2021, I got a phone call I will never forget. It was my superviso...

Sievo Culture,

Organization chart is dead: how to organize your company for growth

We often have the pleasure to introduce Sievo to people who are either considering joining Sievo, or...

Sievo Culture,

Camp Sievo 2021!

What do you do after a year of remote work and not able to see your colleague? You go to Kouvola for...

Sievo Culture,

How to design delightful services that users love?

Last month the Sievo user satisfaction score (NPS) reached an all-time high of 47 (on a scale of -10...

Thought Leadership,

What it's like to be a junior designer at Sievo

Photo from a Sievo juniors vs. seniors football match. Hi there, I'm Steven. I'm pursuing a master’s...

Summer Academy,

A Florida man in Helsinki: my first weeks at Sievo

My name is Erkki, and I’m originally from Florida. Currently, I’m working on my M.Sc. in Marketing f...

Summer Academy,

Beyond the Hype – Fostering a Healthy Procurement Data Ecosystem

Procurement is rapidly evolving into a strategic function entirely powered by data-derived insights....

Thought Leadership,

Setting the Stage for Sustained Sustainability

Procurement is rapidly evolving into a strategic function entirely powered by data-derived insights....

Thought Leadership,

Supplier Diversity: Urgency, Scalability, and Ownership

Procurement is rapidly evolving into a strategic function entirely powered by data-derived insights....

Thought Leadership,

Reimagining the P2P Advantage: UX, AI, and Machine Learning

Procurement is rapidly evolving into a strategic function entirely powered by data-derived insights....

Thought Leadership,

How to perform a full-remote (and successful) strategy process

A week before our strategy offsite was set to happen, we had to admit the facts. Due to the surging ...

Sievo Culture,

Is working with students worth the effort? 4 reasons we think it is

I’m often asked how we work with students at Sievo, and if it’s really worth the effort. My short an...

Sievo Culture,

Procurement Skills of the Future | Fresh research perspective from WEF

The World Economic Forum recently released their Future of Jobs Report. We looked at the report from...

Thought Leadership,

Celebrating Finnish & our non-Finnish speaking community

Does language matter? Why are we all about language? Joint language is one of the most crucial parts...

Sievo Culture,

International life at Sievo

We all live in our own social bubbles. The people in mine come from over 30 different countries, con...

Sievo Culture,

Summer at Sievo - what is it made of?

As the fall starts to be lurking around the corner, it's time to take a look at past few months at S...

Summer Academy,

Welcome Summer Seals!

This year 13 summer seals joined Sievo for the summertime. Despite the unusual Covid-19 situation th...

Summer Academy,

Celebrating diversity on International Women’s Day

This International Women’s Day, we took a moment to reflect on the great women working at Sievo, as ...

Sievo Culture,

Travelling with the family – Sievo Trip 2019 to Krakow 

It’s definitely not a standard morning. The alarm is waking me up several hours earlier than normal,...

Sievo Culture,

Sievo Summer Academy Experience

In the beginning of May, 12 of us “summer seals” opened the doors to the office on the seventh floor...

Summer Academy,

Sievo for Sievo - Bringing Radical Transparency to our Workplace

At Sievo we help our customers drive their businesses by harnessing their flow of data. With our too...

Sievo Culture,

Experience Feedbacker - Improving Customer Experience in Inventive Ways

The only way to create a truly intuitive user experience (UX) is to do it together with customers. F...

Thought Leadership,

As women, how are we able to grow and to develop – while having kids?

In Finland there has been a lot of talk about "synnytystalkoot" and reduction of the birth rate. We ...

Sievo Culture,

A Journey to #EqualIT

I tend to forget the reality in many software companies is predominantly male. That’s because Softwa...

Sievo Culture,

Don’t choose a job, choose a career

This is the time of year when university students plan ahead for the long summer break. Many student...

Summer Academy,

My Summer Academy - Storyline Divine

There are over 150 steps to ascend to the 7th floor and reach the Sievo HQ’s office in Helsinki. Tru...

Summer Academy,

5 Reasons to Work Remotely From Lisbon this Winter

Over 70,000 people converge on Lisbon this week for the WebSummit - an annual mega-meetup for startu...

Sievo Culture,

What happens when 113 Sievonians travel to Berlin?

At Sievo, we have developed a yearly tradition of travelling abroad together with the whole team. We...

Sievo Culture,

From Friday Beer Productivity to Artificial Intelligence

The Six Things I’ve Learned While Spending My Summer At Sievo. Hello, dear blog reader! My name is N...

Summer Academy,

5 Tips for Office Summer Dress Code

Every year when the weather gets hot, people are puzzled by the same questions: What should I wear t...

Sievo Culture,

Where the World of Procurement is Heading

Having more data generated in the last 2 years than in history of mankind is an opportunity to recog...

Thought Leadership,

Clean Code Matters

Why am I obsessed about code quality? Do you know that abandoned house in your neighbourhood? The on...

Sievo Culture,

Greetings from Greece!

It's early November, I’m sitting by the pool, watching Olga lying on the grass, having a skype call ...

Sievo Culture,

Failure Day Celebration; Failing is everything

I fail. You fail. We need to fail to understand how we can do better next time. And people fail all ...

Sievo Culture,

On Growth, Culture and Assholes

Sievo turns 14 this year, with over 50 people joining our family of Sievonians. As we experience the...

Sievo Culture,

Thank you summer Sievonians!

Getting those first contacts and opportunities from working life as a college student can be tough. ...

Summer Academy,

The Future of Spend Management

The previous blog post on spend management described the evolution over the last decade until today....

Thought Leadership,

#loveissievo! And, Why You Should Love Your Colleagues

As the HR lead at Sievo I think about love a lot, (and not just on Valentine’s Day!) In Finland, tal...

Sievo Culture,

Welcome to Sievonia

During the past 24 months, we at Sievo have gained a lot of experience in moving. We have switched o...

Sievo Culture,

Spend Management - from Reporting to Forecasting

This article gives an overview of the paradigm shifts of spend management over the last couple of de...

Thought Leadership,

Why is Sievo a Great Place to Work?

Yesterday we had the chance to attend the Best Workplaces in Finland event, and to celebrate Sievo b...

Sievo Culture,

Values: The Foundation of Success

Success takes multiple shapes. The most greeted one is company’s valuation generally driven by healt...

Sievo Culture,

Welcome to a Career Playground- and Say Goodbye to the Career Ladder

Last night Sievo was recognized as the 7th best workplace in Finland by the Great Place to Work® Ins...

Sievo Culture,
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