Sievo Culture

Celebrating Finnish & our non-Finnish speaking community

Janina Kurki Dec 4, 2020

Does language matter? Why are we all about language?  

Joint language is one of the most crucial parts in communicating in a business context. What we want to say to each other and how we want to say - it matters. So, should it be with a specific, one of the rare languages in the world or would it be better, even a smart business decision if we chose the language that would be widely used in the business world and which we all would understand 

We should embrace diversity in many ways. We cannot have a diverse world without having diversity in spoken languages. Kindred countries and communities share a common culture by sharing language and expressing themselves through it. There is no denying that. But to work together, finding solutions in work life we only need one common language that we understand 

For us in Sievo it means English as a daily working language. It means common documents in English, it means common language on coffee breaks in English, it means casual meetings in English, it means meetings with the customers in English, but also with local languages. Our origin is very Finnish, our headquarters is in the capital of Finland, but we don't need to have only Finnish in our daily work.

We appreciate Finnish culture so highly that we can express it in other ways than using it as a primary communication language. Within this exceptional year we could say our international talents have seen capabilities of the Finnish 'sisu' and 'social distancing' in true action, but we have accommodated so many positive ways from them during the years, that it would be a shame not to combine them into one. The joint effort should focus into keep everyone safe and include others to our communities. 

So to celebrate languages and the 103rd Finnish independence dayand still reminding everybody that language only should not matter over talent and skillswe want to highlight some lovely Finnish sayings. Sayings that we have in our lovely Finnish culture, which is so diverse. We have multiple dialects and minorities in this beautiful and long country. We will present you different sayings with straight translation in English with the saying explained. Sometimes they can be really ridiculous and even a bit insane. Finnish language might seem like that sometimes. Wcurse, we use the same word for several totally different meaningswe might use foul language, but we say what we mean and it shows. This is a celebration of the rich Finnish language 

Finland is getting more International on a day by day basis and it's wonderful and admirable that so many are willing to relocate and to learn the language when settling down here. But to be able to do so, you need to be given the opportunity to proof your talent in work, have a livelihood and that does not need Finnish. Extensive amount of mental strength and perseverance, yes indeed.  

And in the mean while we have those lovely jobs open again, which require no Finnish skills at all, check them out here  

[Finland’s independence day is celebrated on the 6th of December, Happy birthday 103 years old Finland! 🇫🇮]

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