Sievo Culture

Failure Day Celebration; Failing is everything

Janina Kurki Oct 13, 2017

I fail. You fail. We need to fail to understand how we can do better next time. And people fail all the time – it’s human and definitely ok. For some reason we usually just try to hide it when mistakes occur. What if, this time – we wouldn’t hide behind them, but actually have a celebration?

Change starts from stating the facts and learning from them. At Sievo, we are very familiar with celebrating success, but today we also celebrate Failure Day by getting together and sharing those moments of failure. By sharing we are able not only to learn but support others, that we are not alone doing them. Common things can also create a bond of development and will make us less worried about the things to come – ‘I have these guys with me doing this’.

My success stories in failing comes from the every day life. Every day I forget to do something. My personal quality moment (#sarcasm) was when I forgot candidate’s name, let’s call him Simon, and referred him on arrival as Saul. He corrected me – felt unbelievably humiliated. I have phoned and invited a candidate several times to the same interview. I do lot of bad humour – sometimes might be even unintentionally offensive, sorry. I wrote my password in 1note while presenting my screen. Previously have copied my résumé with the wrong employers name. And the most of all, I’m a mother of two small kids, and never at the right place at the right time.

What have I learned? Aside that I’m human and accepted that I will learn new things every day in the days to come, I can settle for 99% perfection and will develop my work. My actions do have consequences, but worrying about them before hand will only paralyze me. Taken actions are – in the end – the only ones that matter. And home made food is something provided occasionally! I have a back ground in improvisation theater and there you can jump out of your comfort zone into area of free dive. You’ll never know where you’ll end up – the feeling of ‘ someone will catch me if necessary’ when free falling is where organisations need to thrive towards. That will create unforeseen success later on.

As cruel as it may sound there is no place I’d rather be faulty and unperfect than here with the Sievo family. We are definitely all failures in perfection and we thrive to overcome obstacles together. Thank you Sievonians for making Sievo one of the great places to work and also making it a bit easier to tolerate uncertainty and possible failures to come.

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