Sievo Culture

Sievo for Sievo - Bringing Radical Transparency to our Workplace

Bruno Duréault Jun 25, 2019

At Sievo we help our customers drive their businesses by harnessing their flow of data. With our tools, we give meaning to data and make it easier for business leaders to make the right decisions. We basically enable users to browse spend data in a very transparent manner, for example allowing them to browse horizontally across departments and geographies and vertically up and down relevant hierarchies.

What if all the employees of a company would have access to that spend data, and were encouraged to challenge the investments that are made, entrusted with finding smart(er) spend strategies?

At Sievo we believe in the power of data and we also believe in our employees. This is why, from this month onwards, we are pushing all our spend data [except for confidential and compensation related information] to our own Spend Analysis tool and are giving access to all of our employees. Not only will we use our own data as internal training and product development material, but we also want everyone internally to feel more accountable for every euro they spend and entitled to question anyone’s expenses. Yes, it means everyone will see how much our CEO spends on travel and how much we pour into the coffee machines…

…or how much we spend on fruit every year (see the picture above). It also means our employees will understand our financial priorities, get the chance to question them, and have the opportunity to propose other ones.

By providing radical financial transparency we are aiming at engaging our employees further. Knowledge brings responsibility. Responsibility brings commitment. Commitment is what binds us together and makes us a great place to work, what makes us care for our customers, and what makes us come up with meaningful products. In short: a caring and successful growing company.

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