Sievo Culture

Celebrating Finnish & our non-Finnish speaking community

Does language matter? Why are we all about language? Joint language is one of the most crucial parts..

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Celebrating Finnish & our non-Finnish speaking community

Does language matter? Why are we all about language? Joint language is one of the most crucial parts...

Sievo Culture,

Travelling with the family – Sievo Trip 2019 to Krakow 

It’s definitely not a standard morning. The alarm is waking me up several hours earlier than normal,...

Sievo Culture,

As women, how are we able to grow and to develop – while having kids?

In Finland there has been a lot of talk about "synnytystalkoot" and reduction of the birth rate. We ...

Sievo Culture,

Failure Day Celebration; Failing is everything

I fail. You fail. We need to fail to understand how we can do better next time. And people fail all ...

Sievo Culture,

Thank you summer Sievonians!

Getting those first contacts and opportunities from working life as a college student can be tough. ...

Summer Academy,
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